Episode 50: Exercise while healing your relationship with food and body

Exercise while healing your relationship with food and body

Can you exercise while healing your relationship with food and your body? 

It depends. 

In this episode, I talk about how exercise plays a role when we're trying to heal from a disordered relationship with food and exercise. 

Healing from obsessive exercise will have its ups and downs. It's important to explore your intention behind exercise. 

Are you working out because you feel guilty about what you ate? 

Are you only doing it for the sake of weight loss and shrinking your body? 

Are you chasing after unrealistic expectations and goals?

I discuss all the possible scenarios and how you can determine if exercise is helping or hurting your recovery process. I also open up about my own personal experience healing from food restriction and obsessive exercise and how my mindset around working out has changed dramatically.

Mentioned in this episode:

48. Body Image with Brianna Campos

49. It's OK to want to lose weight

Alison's 1:1 intuitive eating online coaching

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Like what you hear? You can start working your relationship with food using my FREE guide "5 Steps to Ditch Diets". GRAB IT HERE! This 12-page guide will take you through some of the steps I work through on a deeper level with my clients in private, 1:1 sessions. 


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I have a few open slots in my 1:1 private online intuitive eating program for February! 

You can schedule a FREE 20-minute Zoom with me to let me know what you are struggling with and determine if my program is a good fit for you!

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