Episode 51: Weight Gain during disordered eating and diet recovery

Weight Gain During Disordered Eating and Diet Recovery

Does this sound familiar? 

You’re slowly giving yourself permission to eat more foods.  You stopped weighing yourself because you know how that number can mess with your head. You can eat a few cookies if you’re craving them, or have the bag hanging out in your pantry for weeks without even thinking about them. 

It seems like everything is falling into place … and then …. You have A DAY.  Or not even A DAY… it could be a MOMENT. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror.  You see an old picture from when you were smaller. You see a recent picture after your body has gone through some changes. You found an old pair of smaller jeans. 

And just like that, your thoughts immediately go back to dieting, restriction, weight loss. NOW WHAT?

That's what I'm covering in this episode of Speaking of Hungry! How can we handle weight gain once we stop all the dieting? How can we deal with those moments when suddenly we're not so sure about intuitive eating? 


If you love the show, please leave a rating and review on Apple podcasts! Please go to iTunes and leave a rating and review!!

If you leave a review, I will pick one person in February for a free 30-minute mini-session with me! We can address anything you're struggling with: restriction, body image, emotional eating, the restrict/binge cycle, and 24/7 food and body obsession are just a few ideas. Be sure to write the review, then DM me on Instagram (@AlisonBarkmanRD) or email me directly to let me know the review is there!!!


Grab my free guide: 5 Steps to Ditch Diets!!

What will you get in this guide? This is a sample of work I do with my private, 1:1 clients. I’ll take you through:

#1 - examining your personal history with dieting

#2 - reflecting on how diets interfered with your life

#3 - how to slowly get rid of dieting tools you may still use.

#4 - identifying hidden forms of dieting you may still engage in but don’t realize you are and how it interferes with your work to become more intuitive. 

#5 - a worksheet on how to stop self-critical talk. 



Curious about working together? You can schedule a FREE 20-minute Zoom with me to let me know what you are struggling with and determine if my program is a good fit for you!

Need MORE help healing your relationship with food AND exercise?

Consider joining my FREE Intuitive Eating & Body Compassion Facebook community!!!