Episode 49: It's OK to want to lose weight!

It’s OK to want to lose weight

You want to stop dieting and heal your relationship with food and your body .... BUT... you also wouldn't mind losing some weight. 

I totally get it! I have felt the same way. So do most of my clients. 

In episode 48 I talked to body image coach Brianna Campos about why we seek out weight loss. We touched a bit on the topic of why it's OK to admit you want weight loss. I wanted to further explore the idea of weight loss.

Why do you want to lose weight? 

What would you need to do to lose it? 

Will this affect you emotionally? 

Is your idea of weight loss realistic and sustainable?

Have you been down this road before? 

Is there something else you need INSTEAD of weight loss? 

I dive into all of these questions! Use these questions as journal prompts so you can further explore your desire to lose weight. 

So many of us are sick and tired of battling with our bodies. Yet the pull to diet again is very strong. Part of stopping the cycle is figuring out what drives us to constantly pursue weight loss. 

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Alison's Intuitive Eating services and other info:

Contact me to learn more about my 1:1, private online intuitive eating coaching services. 

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