Episode 18: I Can't Stop Overeating!

Episode 18: I Can’t Stop Overeating!

Does the concept of connecting with true hunger and knowing when to stop when satisfied sound too good to be true? Well for one thing, even once we have completely erased diet culture from our lives and truly embrace intuitiveness with food, mind, and body, we will always have our moments where we overeat here and there. It's normal!

However, if you feel that overeating happens regularly and you think the only way to stop it is dieting, think again. Diets and restriction are one of several factors that can contribute to overeating.

Recognizing HABITS that are causing you to overeat, then working on changing the behavior is what can help control moments when we eat beyond hunger. Habits such as: 

😩 Skipping meals

😩 Dieting and restricting foods

😩 Not getting enough sleep

😩 Not dealing with stress

😩 Still categorizing certain foods as "off-limits"

😩 Eating while distracted

These can all contribute to overeating beyond the point of hunger. Listen to my latest episode as I discuss why habits like these are making us think we're out of control eaters. 


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Need help healing your relationship with food AND exercise?

I am currently booking clients for my 1-on-1 online intuitive eating program!

You can schedule a FREE 20-minute call with me to learn about my intuitive eating services and decide if we're a good fit to work together on your anti-diet journey!

If you have a question you'd like answered on the show or are interested in being interviewed on the show please CONTACT ME!! I'd love to hear from you. 


Mentioned in this episode:

Episode 17: What Benefits Will I Gain from Intuitive Eating?