Episode 21: How to Stop Forbidden Food Mentality
How To Stop Forbidden Food Mentality
How did all of the Halloween candy make you feel? Did you have a bunch around you for several days? Maybe the first day you ate more than you bargained for? Day 2, maybe it didn't see as exciting. Day 3, by now it really may have lost its appeal. Day 4... you're so over candy, right?
This is an example of the "habituation effect" as outlined in principal 3 of the Intuitive Eating book by Elyse Resch and Evelyn Tribole. The more you hang around a food, allow yourself to eat it, and tell yourself you can always have more, the less that food will have power over you.
On the flip side, if you restrict a food, refer to it as "off limits" or "forbidden", the more likely you will crave that food and eventually overeat or binge on the food.
The goal of the "habituation effect" is to stop any "forbidden fruit" thinking that leads causes us to obsess and binge on a food. The end result is making peace with that food. Listen to this latest episode to learn more and why practicing the habituation effect is essential to healing your relationship with forbidden foods.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Episode 20: Eating Disorder Prevention and Body Positive Parenting with Zoë Bisbing and Leslie Bloch
Episode 19: Stop Dieting and Embrace Body Changes with Erica Leon, MS, RD, CEDRD
Alison's 8-week online intuitive eating coaching
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